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How “it” all started (“it”: new senses and potentialities)

Photo credit: Bradyn Trollip

When people learn what happened to me and how I developed my intuitive gifts, I inevitably get asked this: How did it all start?

Given that I previously worked in data analytics and artificial intelligence, and was particularly impervious to the invisible world, the question is very legitimate (the leap seems to be huge indeed!). Frankly, the story could be turned into a Netflix series, so I will simply focus on a couple of points here.


The very first episode was a phone call, four years ago. A friend of mine, who was just as skeptical as I was about unexplained phenomena, had just had a phone chat with a lady that presented herself as a “guide”. This woman knew nothing about my friend (not even her name), she could not see her face either, and yet she had “guessed” about very personal issues from her past and present! Needless to say my friend was bewildered. She encouraged me to contact that person. I was intrigued.

At that time, I was in a desperate situation. I was burnt-out, depressed, involved in a lawsuit, suffering from multiple medical issues and had trouble walking, among others (you get the picture). I thought it might be entertaining to see what this person could possibly guess about my nightmarish day-to-day. The decision was easy to make since I could have the conversation from the comfort of my home. I was ready to test her - and sure she would get wrong.

When I picked up the phone at the agreed time (in July 2018), I was sitting on my living room couch, sipping a glass of wine - by myself ! By now you can figure out in what kind of my mindset I was...

The lady started the phone call by describing my physical appearance, very accurately. I was both shocked and very annoyed. She then asked me whether I was a model ! I laughed and saw it as a confirmation that she was completely off the beam. I answered “Not at all!”, without saying more about the nature of my work. At that point she explained that she was asking this because she could “see” some photos of myself posing... and I understood she was referring to pictures I had done when I was 21! It was bothering me to see her bringing up my past - especially this kind of past! Thankfully the chat gradually got more pleasant (as a side note, past this photo allusion, she got accurate about my then field of activity).

To my surprise, I was truly bluffed on multiple fronts (Wasn’t she supposed to know nothing about me?). Just as an example, she “guessed” that I had a serious right knee issue and that I was investigating this medically, and she insisted that I needed to be extra careful on that matter...

But beyond everything she could sense about my past and present, what puzzled me the most was this sentence of hers: “You don’t need me!”. She was referring to the fact that I could perceive things with my senses (beyond the five conventional ones), and that I was already navigating in my life confidently using my intuition...

Among others, I had sensed at the time that my lawyer was betraying me. This was intuitive and so in order to back my feeling in a “rational” way I had even made a list of everything suspicious in his actions (but I did not dare yet to dismiss him and represent myself in court - I did this later, when he went so far in sabotaging my case that it was dangerous to keep him).

All in all, this call raised key questions for myself (even though I had not yet access to a bunch of capabilities that emerged later): What if clairvoyance did exist? What if I were capable of more than what I had thought ?


Another key episode (in the same month - July 2018) was an appointment with a magnetiser, this time in person. I went to her without even checking what a magnetiser was (I had no clue). In that period, I had many medical issues, I was running from doctor to doctor, and I was ready to try anything. One of my key concerns was my knee, since walking was difficult and painful (and I was not that old...). Annoyingly, the best specialists of their discipline in the UK and France were all contradicting each other. In addition, the orthopaedic that had done my previous surgical operation was withholding the truth about my knee. I had tried a bunch of things: physiotherapy, cryotherapy, massaging, acupuncture, reflexology, and other techniques. I was all ears each time a friend recommended a new potential solution to me. I was trying one approach after the other - after all, why not? And so I ended up meeting a magnetiser (who looked at me with a certain kind of amazement). The most striking was not what happened per se in this session - but rather, the fact that the way she was using her hands (without even touching me) was affecting my body... She suggested subtly to me that maybe I could put my own hands on my knee when needed ? At that time I did not take her advice seriously. To me, using hands to heal was her job, not mine! I did not do what she recommended (at least not until months later)... But the seed was there. The range of possibilities had widened in my mind, even though I had not yet realised I had that healing potential myself.


Those two episodes were just the beginning... Yet importantly, my emerging perceptions and abilities literally saved my life. There is no other way to express it. My life at that time was simply unmanageable with my brain “alone”.

Let me give one example, namely the decision to go (or not) for another knee surgery. I could write an essay on the matter, so I will simplify things as much as I can. Thanks to a premonitory dream (where I saw myself on a hospital bed with the death allegory standing at the end of my bed, the night before an orthopaedic appointment), I refused a major, complex tibia surgery (osteotomy) that was suggested to me the next day. Fundamentally, my intuition guided me to chose among 6 well-known British and French surgeons (whom I all met), the one that would do knee surgery. The doctor I selected was not the most famous on the list. Plus he was advising a two-stage surgery (two surgeries within 3 months, involving my knee and hip), which no other orthopaedic was recommending. More precisely, this orthopaedic wanted to first undo what had been done in the previous surgery, and then do a second surgery. In contrast, other surgeons recommended one surgery (more or less “fixing” what the last orthopaedic had done - which had failed; or an osteotomy - which, as I mentioned, I excluded) and two surgeons recommended no surgery at all. Worse, the specialist of a rare “incurable” condition that I had just been diagnosed with, was discouraging any surgery, warning me that my life was at stake (plus, my previous surgery had been a bloodshed). And yet I had a strong feeling that I should go for this double surgery, with this particular orthopaedic. Long story short, I had those two extra surgeries, thankfully they went extremely well, and today I live normally - with a healthy knee... This is just an example of how my senses saved my life.


It is worth mentioning that at the time of those episodes, I was not immersed in the invisible world. My whole life (my experiences, my network, my job and side activities...) was out of line with what I started discovering and experiencing in 2018 and beyond. Even though I could talk about it to a few people, the latter did not experience what I was going through, and I had no reference.

I was (and still am!) the kind of person that spots a little mistake in a huge model, is praised for her math and analytical abilities, gets asked for advice in complex situations that require brain power... Also, I really loved to explain everything (and I still do!). As a result, I was well-versed into data-backed research and got involved in science innovation.

Until 2018, I thought one could be either logical, or sensitive. Not both. In my world, it was “either, or”, certainly not “and”.

And there I was: Suddenly faced with a part of myself that I did not know well (and that I was even denying). On top of that, I could not explain what was happening nor how I was functioning ! I was very annoyed.

Until today, I cannot explain the “how”. So, my approach is rooted in pragmatism. Yes, I can perceive, act, and see my impact. But in reality, l do not know exactly what is happening. I have a few clues, that is it. I just saw so many wonderful things happening, that I cannot give it up just because “I can’t explain them”.

My ego would like to know every step, every facet, every mechanism. But trying to explain this (the invisible) is not what I do best (I used to excel at physics, but the last time I did physics was at high school in 2003, if you see what I mean!). It is the job of scientists to further knowledge on the invisible. Quantum physics started evidencing some things and there is so much more to be discovered... I hope science progress goes much deeper, in my lifetime. And I am welcoming collaboration with scientific initiatives that focus on intuitive and extra sensory phenomena.


Even though I eventually could not deny the power of the potentialities emerging in myself, it took me more than three years to talk about all this publicly (online).

For a long time, I was shy about it. I kept it for myself and a close circle of people. I did things underground. Later, I only spoke about it 1-1 with others in my network.

The reason why I now feel not only the urge, but also a duty to talk about this publicly, is that I believe it has the power to make the world a better place... It would be selfish for me to keep my “unconventional” abilities for myself ; or not to make people aware that they, too, have a huge potential !

To end this piece on a positive note, let me share a quote I love, by Marianne Williamson (from ‘A Return to Love’):

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”


PS: I give a range of concrete examples about intuition applied to the business sphere in two articles dedicated to career choices on the one hand, and to people / relationships on the other hand.

My other articles are available in the "Blog" section of this website. If you don't want to miss my next articles, subscribe to my newsletter (in the "Contact" section), and / or follow me on LinkedIn!

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